How will Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Analytics impact Healthcare Providers, Payers, Pharma, Medical Devices and Diagnostics?

1.  AI and Analytics integrated with electronic health records (EHRs) will deliver actionable insights for superior care delivery and personalized care at a lower cost for Healthcare Providers. Thanks to the meaningful use stipulations of the Affordable Care Act, a majority of the healthcare systems in North America have made significant investments in EHRs. These deployments …

In healthcare, big data alone isn’t enough

Healthcare organizations have mastered the art of data collection. But in order to be forward-looking, they need to focus on how to turn their data into valuable information. For what it’s worth, most hospitals and health systems have realized the value in investing in big data. They’re eagerly raking in a plethora of data, focusing …

When it comes to the internet of things (IoT), small things make a big impact.

Recent studies predict that by 2025 there may be as many as 100 billion IoT devices deployed worldwide. That’s roughly 14 connected devices or sensors for every person on Earth. My good friend Rob Mesirow and I have been spending a lot of time talking about the most practical ways to integrate “smart” technology into …

Foster Advancement in AI and Blockchain Projects

Man-made reasoning (AI) and blockchain are two noteworthy advances that are quickening the pace of development and presenting the extreme moves in different segments. Every division has its characterized intricacy, however the amalgamation of these two advances can update the entire structure of ventures and give conceivable arrangements. EFFECT.AI, an Amsterdam-based decentralized system for AI, …

Troublesome Platform for Multi-Cloud Enterprises

HTBASE vision empowers planners and administrators to control their PC applications, information and administrations very effectively by driving them off main issues to the edge of the Internet. HTBASE has been concentrating on breaking hindrances since its establishment by making something new and remarkable. It needed to disentangle framework so clients can concentrate quickly on …

Versatile driven Innovation in the Telecom Sector

The correspondence business is concentrating on 5G administrations which are going to take off in the market by 2019. The media transmission office said that around 6,000 MHz of range has been accessible for the cutting edge portable administration. Innovation positively affects individuals, which influenced them to convey others living in various parts of the …

IoTSWC 2018 awards Huawei, IoTerop-Synox, Nokia and Intel-ARM-Pelion for their innovative solutions

Huawei, IoTerop–Synox and Nokia were this year’s winning companies at the IoT Awards held at IoT Solutions World Congress (IoTSWC), the providing international industrial internet event organised by Fira de Barcelona in recognition of the best projects developed in the field of the industrial internet throughout the last year. Similarly, the solution jointly developed by Intel, ARM and Pelion enabling users to connect any IoT device …

Artificial Intelligence: The Shifting Battlefield in the Cybersecurity Arms Race

Cybersecurity strategies need to change in order to address the new issues that Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) bring into the equation. Although those issues have not yet reached crisis stage, signs are clear that they will need to be addressed – and soon – if cyberattackers are to be prevented from obtaining …