Real World Examples of How Artificial Intelligence Is Being Used In Financial Services

In last few years, Artificial Intelligence has made the transition from a research topic to the early stages of enterprise adoption. From voice-powered personal assistants like Siri and Alexa, a robot that defeats a world-renowned player, to a car that can parallel park itself, there are several examples of artificial intelligence in use today. But in several industries, much of …

The Biggest Challenges Facing Financial Services: Mindset and Metrics

For all of the technical challenges in digitally transforming (DX) financial services, it turns out that human beings are the most formidable puzzle piece of all. That’s because, if you dig deep enough into digital maturity — the end game of transformation — you realize that achieving it requires a radical, almost antithetical shift in …

A bank financing the 21st century economy must act as an accelerator of the energy transition

Since the international community became acutely aware of the need for urgent action to limit global warming, and 195 countries signed up to the Paris Agreement in 2016, the world has embarked on a process of transition towards low-carbon energy. Switching from a high-energy-consuming economic system to a less energy-intensive, more sustainable model will require a balancing …

Integrating Data in the Power Industry

Technological developments have been a significant focus for the power industry for many years. Progress has shown technology has evolved within a small number of designs, to now include nuclear, solar, wind, hydro-power and other energy sources. Digital technology continues to become more available and costs are reducing considerably, particularly with sensor devices and the …

Is Bad Data Costing You Your Edge? Incomplete, inconsistent, and inaccurate data is holding you back.

Provider information fuels the marketing and sales efforts of life sciences organizations. It helps you focus your outreach efforts and uncover additional sources of revenue. Knowing which providers to approach and where to find them are critical pieces of information. The wrong records result in costly mistakes and missed opportunities. So it makes sense that …

Is AI and Machine Learning a Disruptor or an Enabler for our Accounting Industry?

It wasn’t long ago that cloud technology was emerging as a potential disruptor to most industries. In the beginning, many didn’t foresee that cloud adoption would become so widespread, but now it’s becoming the standard. All startups and new business ventures are setting up cloud platforms during the formation period of their business. In most cases, …

IBM Showcases Artificial Intelligence Superiority With Project Dabater

The IBM algorithm Deep Blue beat chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. It was 2011 when IBM’s Watson won the game show Jeopardy. Shortly after, the IBM Research team was ready to go beyond game playing and began to brainstorm the next feat to challenge an artificial intelligence algorithm. They decided to create an AI algorithm …

AI & Blockchain: An Introduction

At the kind invitation of Rob May and the Botchain team, I had the opportunity recently to keynote Brains and Chains, an interesting conference in New York exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and blockchain. This is both an exciting and challenging topic, and the goal of my talk was to provide a broad introduction to kick …

Do car salesman have a future?

Yesterday, a friend went to a premium brand dealership, showing interest on a specific model. It was a first approach and he was surprised by the salesman starting the conversation by price and discount. The potential Customer was immediately invited to sit at a desk and to discuss buying details. In the digital age, Customers …

The Big Miss in Customer Experience

Customer experience has surpassed omni-channel as the buzzword most mentioned in the retail industry.  It’s valid as there is no denying customer experience is King. Doug Stephens, The Retail Prophet shared at a recent conference that the Return on Experience can add as much as $244 million of incremental revenue for a big box retailer. Forrester research shows that companies …