IBM Showcases Artificial Intelligence Superiority With Project Dabater

The IBM algorithm Deep Blue beat chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. It was 2011 when IBM’s Watson won the game show Jeopardy. Shortly after, the IBM Research team was ready to go beyond game playing and began to brainstorm the next feat to challenge an artificial intelligence algorithm. They decided to create an AI algorithm …

AI & Blockchain: An Introduction

At the kind invitation of Rob May and the Botchain team, I had the opportunity recently to keynote Brains and Chains, an interesting conference in New York exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and blockchain. This is both an exciting and challenging topic, and the goal of my talk was to provide a broad introduction to kick …

Do car salesman have a future?

Yesterday, a friend went to a premium brand dealership, showing interest on a specific model. It was a first approach and he was surprised by the salesman starting the conversation by price and discount. The potential Customer was immediately invited to sit at a desk and to discuss buying details. In the digital age, Customers …

The Big Miss in Customer Experience

Customer experience has surpassed omni-channel as the buzzword most mentioned in the retail industry.  It’s valid as there is no denying customer experience is King. Doug Stephens, The Retail Prophet shared at a recent conference that the Return on Experience can add as much as $244 million of incremental revenue for a big box retailer. Forrester research shows that companies …

Within sight, in front of mind!

The sixth principle of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development is “The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation“. We have all experienced situations in which our not seeing the person we were speaking with resulted in a misinterpretation of what was being said. When …

Digital! Enabling us or influencing us: How human are our influencers?

It’s the 4th Industrial Revolution. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are here. With information overload today, even living in the moment is getting difficult. Less than a decade ago, we were surprised when brands reached us on bulk-messaging services offering us products that we had recently shopped for. Now, most of us don’t bat an …

VR Wave Breaking Outside The Home

At four recent VR conferences and events there was a palpable sense that despite new home VR devices getting the majority of marketing and media attention this year, the immediate promise and momentum is in the location-based VR (LBVR) attractions industry. The VR Arcade Conference (April 29th and 30th), VRLA (May 4th and 5th), the …

IBM: Mediocre Management Holding A Crown Jewel

Summary IBM’s valuation is now becoming too difficult to ignore. Management team’s lack of candor. IBM’s crown jewel is its cloud business, but does it matter? This idea was discussed in more depth with members of my private investing community, Deep Value Returns. Investment Thesis IBM (IBM) makes a very interesting investment. On the one hand, it …

The 2018 International Energy Efficiency Scorecard

Energy efficiency is often the least-cost means of meeting new demand for energy services. Not only does it reduce overall energy consumption and thereby reduce dependency on energy imports, but it encourages development and creates jobs. Governments that promote investment in energy efficiency and implement supporting policies save citizens money, reduce the potential for crisis …

Why the Solar Revolution Will Hit a Wall

The trend is clear: solar installations, based on existing silicon photovoltaic (PV) technology, should expand their market penetration over the next decade. But beyond then, their growth could hit a ceiling. This is the premise of Georgetown Professor Varun Sivaram’s book, Taming the Sun: Innovations to Harness Solar Energy and Power to the Planet. He warns of …