Can Clinical Registries Close Healthcare Analytics Gaps?

Improvement in our health system is sorely needed and analytics may be one of our biggest opportunities to shape the future. Other industries have leveraged sophisticated data tools and techniques to not only improve but completely disrupt standards and best practices.   Modernizing clinical registries may be the most likely place to start as this long …

Quote to Cash – Real Time Enablement

Quote to Cash (Q2C) is the most important business process covering the end to end process in sales lifecycle. Transportation of Q2C for digitalization is the best way to keep this lifecycle fast, real-time and accurate. When it comes to your sales cycle, speed is of the essence. Being able to act and respond quickly …

A College Grad’s Biggest “Adulting” Challenge: Managing Money

I am not a financial expert nor a certified financial advisor, so please take this article as sheer anecdotal evidence. These are the resources I used to get out of debt and manage my finances. What works for me will be completely different for you. You’re the only one responsible for your financial education Managing …

A blockchain explanation your parents could understand

It’s happening in an increasingly frequent manner: “Jamie, explain this blockchain stuff to me. I’ve read a bunch of articles and I’m no wiser.” The problem with most blockchain explainers is that they provide more detail than what matters to most people, using language that is foreign to most people, which winds up leaving people …

Data – the fuel for the 21st century

Data analytics, today’s hot topic, first surfaced as a discipline in 1962. The need was identified, but the technology wasn’t ready yet. Fast forward to today and the Harvard Business Review calls data scientist “the sexiest job of the 21st century.” According to IDC research, worldwide financial services alone spent $114 Billion on Mobility, Cloud and Big …

AI & Big Data Expo North America 2019

Event: AI & Big Data Expo North America 2019 Date: 13-14th November 2019 Location: Santa Clara, CA Website: The AI & Big Data Expo North America, the leading Artificial Intelligence & Big Data Conference & Exhibition is taking place on November 13-14th at the Santa Clara Convention Center. It will showcase the next generation technologies and strategies from the world of Artificial Intelligence & …

Cloud App strategy: Language as a competitive advantage, generalise it prudently

Me and my daughter have a special language. I try to build alternate and different sounding phrases for the common activities. This is not mother tongue, you might rather call it Father tongue. This is how I differentiate myself from my better half when it comes to getting my daughter’s attention. This strategy works most …

Hosted vs. Cloud PBX & why it matters to know the difference in large UCaaS deployments

With over 250+ Hosted/Cloud PBX providers out there you should know what you are really buying when you peel the onion layers off. This article was written with Enterprise IT departments in mind. Hosted PBX providers are usually telco carriers or were at some point. Most use Broadsoft, Metaswitch, Shoretel, or Cisco HCS. A few examples …

Facebook declares worldwide digital currency Libra, to rolls out in 2020

Facebook is rolling out to launch cryptocurrency money its expectations will “change the worldwide economy.” The currency, named Libra, is being created by Facebook, yet the organization means to impart control to a consortium of associations, including investment firms, credit card organizations, and other tech monsters. At launch, you’ll have the option to send Libra …