Digital! Enabling us or influencing us: How human are our influencers?

It’s the 4th Industrial Revolution. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are here. With information overload today, even living in the moment is getting difficult. Less than a decade ago, we were surprised when brands reached us on bulk-messaging services offering us products that we had recently shopped for. Now, most of us don’t bat an …

VR Wave Breaking Outside The Home

At four recent VR conferences and events there was a palpable sense that despite new home VR devices getting the majority of marketing and media attention this year, the immediate promise and momentum is in the location-based VR (LBVR) attractions industry. The VR Arcade Conference (April 29th and 30th), VRLA (May 4th and 5th), the …

IBM: Mediocre Management Holding A Crown Jewel

Summary IBM’s valuation is now becoming too difficult to ignore. Management team’s lack of candor. IBM’s crown jewel is its cloud business, but does it matter? This idea was discussed in more depth with members of my private investing community, Deep Value Returns. Investment Thesis IBM (IBM) makes a very interesting investment. On the one hand, it …

The 2018 International Energy Efficiency Scorecard

Energy efficiency is often the least-cost means of meeting new demand for energy services. Not only does it reduce overall energy consumption and thereby reduce dependency on energy imports, but it encourages development and creates jobs. Governments that promote investment in energy efficiency and implement supporting policies save citizens money, reduce the potential for crisis …

Why the Solar Revolution Will Hit a Wall

The trend is clear: solar installations, based on existing silicon photovoltaic (PV) technology, should expand their market penetration over the next decade. But beyond then, their growth could hit a ceiling. This is the premise of Georgetown Professor Varun Sivaram’s book, Taming the Sun: Innovations to Harness Solar Energy and Power to the Planet. He warns of …

Can Clinical Registries Close Healthcare Analytics Gaps?

Improvement in our health system is sorely needed and analytics may be one of our biggest opportunities to shape the future. Other industries have leveraged sophisticated data tools and techniques to not only improve but completely disrupt standards and best practices.   Modernizing clinical registries may be the most likely place to start as this long …

Quote to Cash – Real Time Enablement

Quote to Cash (Q2C) is the most important business process covering the end to end process in sales lifecycle. Transportation of Q2C for digitalization is the best way to keep this lifecycle fast, real-time and accurate. When it comes to your sales cycle, speed is of the essence. Being able to act and respond quickly …

A College Grad’s Biggest “Adulting” Challenge: Managing Money

I am not a financial expert nor a certified financial advisor, so please take this article as sheer anecdotal evidence. These are the resources I used to get out of debt and manage my finances. What works for me will be completely different for you. You’re the only one responsible for your financial education Managing …

A blockchain explanation your parents could understand

It’s happening in an increasingly frequent manner: “Jamie, explain this blockchain stuff to me. I’ve read a bunch of articles and I’m no wiser.” The problem with most blockchain explainers is that they provide more detail than what matters to most people, using language that is foreign to most people, which winds up leaving people …