3CLogic – Cloud Contact Center Technology For Enterprises

Call centers are constantly facing new challenges. To continue catering to the needs of their customers, companies should always look for new technologies that will enable them to operate more efficiently and seamlessly. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the business world hard, demanding instant disruption, companies like 3CLogic were ready to accept the challenge. 3CLogic …

Alvaria – Enterprise Contact Center Solutions

How well-prepared were call centers to deal with the issues that the pandemic brought? The answer would be “a lot better” than we had anticipated. Many (if not all) contact centers have changed in specific ways, and those changes will persist even after the pandemic is ended. To begin with, every firm, regardless of its …

Arise – Customer Service Outsourcing Redefined

There are numerous lessons to be gained from the previous year’s pandemic. Every industry was affected, as businesses battled to attract and retain clients. Traditional customer service approaches failed, leaving brands scurrying to sustain some semblance of operations while attempting to maintain a good client relationship. The tried-and-true customer experience management solutions seemed far more …

Five9 – Leading Cloud Contact Center Platform for the Digital Enterprise

According to a recent survey, over 30% of customers claimed they would discontinue doing business with a company if their customer service expectations aren’t met. In normal conditions, handling big amounts of queries is a major undertaking, but businesses are feeling the pinch as a result of COVID-19’s increased support volume and labor shortages at …

TrueChoice Technology – The Global Leader in Real Time Preference Analytics℠

The world of technology is ever-transforming. To keep up with the change, organizations require top-notch solutions that will help them stay alive in the competition. Often, companies lack a firm grasp on how the internet, VoIP, and data works. As a result, they struggle to decide which option best suits their business interest. The lack …

VitelGlobal Communications – Cloud-based Business Phone Solutions

The pandemic proved that communication and collaboration were key components to boost productivity within an organization. In times of crisis, disruption of a constant channel of communication can be fatal to operations, and VitelGlobal Communications aims to equip its customers with solutions that will prevent such situations. The company describes its services such as its …

Valicom – Telecom & Technology Expense Management

The need for telecom expense management has seen an upward spiral as companies begin to understand the resources various wireless, voice, and data services consume. High-quality, innovative TEM solutions are the need of the hour, to facilitate today’s customer-centric marketplace. Considering that the economy seems to be bogged down, companies struggle to understand how to …

Renaissance – Network Reinvent

The biggest dilemma in the telecom market is the balancing act between Service, Quality, and Cost. Telecom customers want next-generation features like 5G, but they also want the lowest possible service costs. Customers often switch providers because of price. As a result, service providers are faced with the issue of keeping costs down while spending …

Connectivity Wireless – Unleash the Power of Connectivity

In today’s hyperconnectivity age, reliable and robust wireless coverage and capacity is critical to business operations, let alone normal everyday human interaction. On average, people check their phones once every 12 minutes and devote more than five hours every day to their mobile devices. As our generation goes beyond mobile phones to include access through …