Evanesce Packaging Solutions – Changing the Paradigm of Packaging Solutions

Timber and petroleum-based products currently dominate the food packaging industry. While convenient and cost-effective, these products threaten the environment as Styrofoam food trays and laminated paper products can take as many as 500 years to decompose.   With awareness being created about eco-friendly products, many governments around the world are encouraging and adopting sustainable food packaging solutions. In …

CyberCube- The platform for profitable cyber insurance growth

The world has been met with some unprecedented challenges ever since the global pandemic brought normality to a halt. The burgeoning effects of this global threat have created some novel challenges in various parts of modern industry which have opened up new spaces for invention and innovation.  The insurance sector has had its ups and …

Gig Talent- Expert Talent Exceptional Work

On a global scale, there have been major shifts in technology, organizational priorities and the way work is done. With business models evolving into a more collaborative workforce, ensuring that organizations have the right leaders and people on their teams is critical for successful strategic execution to occur. For organizations looking to create an impactful …

Global Touch- Unleash your partner ecosystem success

Businesses today operate within a completely new environment than they did just one year ago. The competition for market share, talent, new product consumption models, and next-generation customer experience is reshaping every business.  The quest for disruptive innovation is the only constant to not only survive but also thrive in the “next normal” of business. …

Quality Online Education Group- We provide the best online education in the world

Global connectivity has eroded former barriers erected by linguistic and cultural dissimilarity. In this current homogenized landscape, individual success is heavily reliant upon a person’s knowledge and training. Education packed together with a practical edge has become the only sustainable system that can allow us to effectively navigate through the modern world “The best motivation …

Augmentt- The platform to discover, optimize and fully manage your SaaS applications

The tide has always been rough for the IT sector, as it has a feisty mix of both the good times and the bad. As a result of the pandemic, the market has taken a plunge as both small businesses,and large-scale enterprises struggle to meet their targets. This has consequently led people towards Managed Service …

Santoku Corporation- RiMM contributes to society by creating methods and safety ideas that enhance safety.

In today’s technology-driven world, businesses must keep pace with the latest trends and constantly innovate, not just to stay ahead of the competition, but also to solve real-world problems. In any company, innovation is always determined by a powerful combination of drive, skill, and size; the drive to set a progressive agenda and fund promising …

Sword GRC- There’s a better way to manage risk

Globalization presents risks and opportunities, both of which can have significant impact on business performance. Given the pace of change in innovation, the ever-evolving complexities within the risk, governance, and compliance landscape, plus the inherent supply chain risks that stem from our global economy, organizations today need both agility and resilience. Sword GRC, the market …


Financial risk mitigation and management have been one of the leading global themes that have demanded professional scrutiny time and again. This financial focal point has been explored and re-explored under varied economic backdrops to ensure that the industrial cogwheels keep running smoothly. The dynamic economic landscape demands adaptability and innovation. Now, more than ever, …