A strong cloud security journey with Microsoft and CISCO secure solutions

In this article, we take a look at how Microsoft and CISCO Security Solutions work together on Cloud Security Multicloud has become the norm Increasingly, Multicloud is becoming the de facto standard for customers to build applications for their businesses, customers are looking for options that could improve the security, agility, and performance of the …

Mastering Cybersecurity in a Shifting Landscape: Strategic Steps for Tech Leaders to Stay Ahead!

In the rapidly evolving realm of technology, cybersecurity stands as both a steadfast guardian and an ever-shifting puzzle. For technology CIOs, CTOs, and IT executives, the challenges posed by cyber threats are as dynamic as the solutions they seek. As we venture into an era of interconnectedness and innovation, this article serves as a guiding …

10 Reasons Why CISCO Partners Should Build an IoT Practice

The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly transforming the way businesses operate, providing new opportunities for growth and profitability. For CISCO partners, building an IoT practice can provide a significant advantage in today’s rapidly evolving technology landscape. Here are 10 reasons why CISCO partners should build an IoT practice: Growing Demand: The demand for IoT …

Cisco’s Path to Zero Trust Security Starts with Observability

Cisco has been undertaking a major pivot to respond to the needs of its many customers who, according to a statement from CEO Chuck Robbins, overwhelming believe they will have a major disruptive event occur to their organization. As a result, Cisco is aggressively emphasizing its #security and simplified #management focused capabilities, which played a …

Why Is There A Global Semiconductor Shortage And How Can We Solve It?

The fact that you may have recently had difficulty getting hold of the latest models of televisions, smartphones and games consoles is just the tip of the iceberg. Every industry is currently experiencing a severe shortage of semiconductor materials needed to build the chips that power everyday electrical gadgets and devices. Semiconductors – materials that …

The next-gen semiconductor technology is on its way: Meet our CS High-NA EUV team

Time and time again over the last 30 years, physical limitations have appeared to put a stop to Moore’s Law and looked certain to prevent the shrinking of devices any further. Every time ASML has proved this wrong. Now we’re preparing to introduce the most innovative semiconductor technology yet, and the most complex machines ever …

The Future of Semiconductors is UCIe

If you want to become a serious tech industry watcher or a hardcore tech enthusiast, then you need to start closely watching what’s happening in the semiconductor industry. Not only are chips at the literal heart of all our tech devices, but they also power the software and experiences we’ve all become so reliant on. …

Is Container Shipping Becoming ‘Digital-first’ Fast Enough?

At 5pm, I can order a pair of shoes from London, and by 2pm the next day, they’ll be at my front door in Geneva. Beyond all other considerations, this speed and efficiency is impressive – and it’s made possible by seamless digital integration. By automating manual processes, digitising bills of lading, integrating with customs, …

Maritime Tech – Beyond Just Counting Startups

While impressive, the sheer number of startups addressing Ports, Shipping and Logistics challenges does not tell the full story. Studies and articles demonstrate a significant increase in innovation addressing the maritime sector. That’s a fact all stake holders can attest to. It is time to present more in-depth analysis. Comparing DEMAND for new technologies with …

Is global shipping a technology problem or a data problem?

It’s been Day 3 since officially launching SKUteam and the support I’ve received so far has been overwhelming – especially from folks in the shipping community. Call me nostalgic, but the last few days have made me think a lot about the incredible challenges that face the shipping industry. The spark for SKUteam came out …