Redefining Intelligent Data Management in the Multi-Cloud Era: How Business Resilience is More Than Just Backup

The last 10 months have perhaps provided more lessons to an organization than the previous 2 years. The starkest reminder of these lessons has been the phrase “accelerated digital transformation,” used commonly across many organizations to highlight technology investments that either plug, address or resolve issues the pandemic has exposed. By the fourth quarter of …

Modernize and Future-Proof Your Data Analytics Environment

More than ever, we are seeing companies use data to make business decisions in real-time. This ubiquitous access makes it imperative for organizations to move beyond legacy architectures that can’t handle their workloads. Ronald van Loon is an HPE partner and spoke with Matt Maccaux recently. Matt is the global field CTO of the Ezmeral …

How Data Analytics Works in Medical and Healthcare Education

Data analytics plays a crucial role in higher education, allowing colleges and universities to streamline their academic operations, increase efficiency, and make informed/quick decisions to achieve a competitive advantage in the education sector. The purpose of advanced data analytics tools coupled with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms is to analyze and act upon …

Data analytics goes mainstream with the help of cloud and democratization

Over the past few years, we’ve seen the role and use of data and analytics within business take a big step forward. For good reason. Done well, it can provide us with a new and better understanding of how we can perform better now and in the future – to transform our lives, world and …

What is a serverless architecture, and why you should prefer it?

With the maturation of technology ecosystems and organizations, controlling architecture becomes increasingly tricky. Instead of becoming experts in platform management, software teams spend their time and resources on apps. Serverless architecture is a new alternative. In other words, what is a “serverless” design? Is it a good decision for you, as well?   Companies can …

Cloud & Blockchain: Challenges of Multi-Cloud and Multi-Chain solutions!

Cloud & Blockchain following same trajectory: Concept of cloud, a virtualised compute environment, accessible via public network was transformative. Even though it fuelled growth and moved focus from slow moving mainframe vs minicomputer race & intel vs AMD’s GHz race, shifting focus to real work. It also dropped the entry barrier for many real projects, …

The future of Cloud is Multi-Cloud

While Multi-Cloud setups are already the new normal in many companies, it is still not much more than another buzzword for others. Multi-Cloud does not multiply value per se. However, based on a capability-focused approach, combining the best parts from various worlds helps reduce risks, save costs, and boost innovation. More than 80% of Accenture’s …

Digital Identity Management, Simplified!

Digital Identity is fundamental for digital interactions, the very basis of originating legitimate transaction by and between entities and maintaining the uniqueness to identify ( Read, Authenticate) and Authorize the usage or access, to put it in a nut shell. There are multiple tools and techniques deployed for digital identity management mechanisms at almost each …

The Advantages of Identity and Access Management in the Era of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation refers to different thinking, innovation and change of the current business models. This is possible by building up a digital strategy which is able to improve the experience of your organization’s employees, customers, suppliers, and partners. For the establishment of the new business and digital strategies, organizations need a strong IT infrastructure that …

Identity Vs Access – Demystifying Identity and Access Controls

Demystifying Identity and Access Controls Differences: Identity and access differ in that one is about who you are and the others about what you’re allowed to see or do. If you can prove your identity, that’s called being authenticated. If you can prove you have a right to access something, that’s called being authorized. When …