Coliance- An IBM Gold Business Helping Companies to Move, Transform & Visualise Data

A significant achievement of today’s digital world is the relationship it has fostered between technology and the economy. Supply chain management is one of the cornerstones of any economy. In this demand-centered world, Coliance is carrying the torch of a future where technology and economy meet in the middle to satisfy the demands and standards set by consumers worldwide.

As an IBM Gold Business Partner, Coliance is on a mission to revolutionize the way clients move, transform, visualize and protect their supply chain data. The successful collaboration between the two has not only built a transformative legacy but also led to the creation and launch of IBM watsonx-powered Coliance offerings – Opsis, an AI-enabled visibility tool, and Agora, an AI-powered cloud-hosted Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) platform.

Coliance, always at the forefront of innovation, is embracing the trends shaping the IBM Solutions Ecosystem landscape. The company’s adoption of AI tools and their success in the digital sphere, underpinned by Digital Trust and Zero Trust Architecture.

Moving to a hybrid, multi-cloud infrastructure has become a necessity for many businesses. However, this migration disperses data across multiple IT environments with various endpoints of different levels of visibility and control, making it challenging to verify if the right users have access to the correct data. Coliance’s solutions counters the challenges of scattered data by organizing communication linearly, automating tasks, and fostering a collaborative environment

Security breach concerns, complex user verification, siloed data and systems, and a decline in new employee skills to share and transfer knowledge for vast and complex business processes means that customers within the supply chain space also experience challenges in business process visibility, order tracking, and disjointed external and internal communication.

Coliance offers innovative solutions for each of these challenges. With IBM’s zero-trust security strategy, Coliance increases organizational cyber resilience and combats the risks of a disconnected business environment while simultaneously allowing users access to the appropriate resources.

Coliance is one of the leading companies in solving supply chain problems using best-in-class software and services tailored to each organization’s unique needs. With a fully-managed B2B integration service platform, Coliance ensures streamlined communication, automated workflows, and enhanced collaboration. The company’s Managed File Transfer (MFT) services make file transfers secure and efficient, maintaining data integrity and confidentiality. The company also unlocks supply chain excellence with IBM’s SCBN, providing cloud-based visibility.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the backbone of global businesses. It has been monumental in introducing the wave of “frictionless” commerce, paving the way for making broad supply chains more efficient and eliminating manual paper processes through automation. Furthermore, EDI is constantly evolving to align with regulatory guidelines and new industry standards.

When EDI, which supports batch processing of complex transactions like financial documents, is integrated with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), the existing EDI process gets enhanced with real-time data exchange, allowing for more proactive decision-making. Coliance offers both EDI and API solutions. With its EDI solutions, Coliance empowers businesses to facilitate seamless, secure, and paperless B2B communication, driving operational excellence. Additionally, Coliance’s reliable API management solutions and IBM’s Cloud Paks make API integrations seamless while maintaining the purpose and functionality of EDI.

By harnessing the power of AI responsibly and strategically, we aim to create enduring value for our customers, employees, and stakeholders, while shaping a future that is smarter, more inclusive, and more sustainable. — Stuart Power, Head of Visibility Solutions.

The relationship between Coliance and IBM is at the center of developing various Coliance products and services built with state-of-the-art IBM technologies. Opsis, an AI-powered visibility tool, is the key to transforming supply chains. Opsis visualizes an organization’s critical business and supply chain processes, collects real-time data, offers drill-down capabilities, and fosters collaboration. With robust reporting and analytics features as its core, Opsis is a business-monitoring solution that empowers businesses to make informed decisions, streamline operations, and enhance customer satisfaction while simplifying and gaining end-to-end visibility in transactions across supply chains.

Agora, an AI-enabled, cloud-hosted EDI platform, is a flexible solution for managing EDI transactions. It allows customers to gauge the involvement they require from Coliance, from simple, scheduled checks and facilitating seamless data flow between the organization and customers to full EDI transaction management.

Avra Payload Synchronization is another Coliance offering that transforms the scope of data management with a simplified, easy-to-manage, and cost-effective solution for IBM’s B2Bi customers who use multiple systems with each system requiring constant data synchronization for faster data recovery and meeting the modern deployment requirements.

Coliance’s expertise and assistance span multiple industries, including food and beverage, distribution and logistics, and financial services. The company also extends its products and services to organizations across the globe.  One example of the expert Coliance team, is how they help a global freight forwarder and logistics operator to monitor the progress of their clients cargo, arrange pick-up and delivery of consignments, and move goods between locations by helping to exchange over 55 million EDI messages per year with customers and government agencies.

Another of Coliance’s clients, a global European-based organization that equips businesses with printers, scanners, supplies, and accessories, wanted to deliver high-quality products to its customers. However, managing fluctuating market demands and providing high-volume, high-cost orders to thousands of suppliers proved challenging, and the company sought out Coliance’s services to streamline its electronic data interchange processes and maintain seamless communication with its trading partners across 360 warehouses worldwide.

With Coliance’s services and IBM’s Sterling B2B Integrator technology, the company unlocked a new level of optimization and efficiency, saving multi-million euros, reducing the time-to-value by 83% by cutting optimization project from 36 to 6 months, and delivering 15,000 high-volume, high-revenue transactions each month.

Coliance’s journey encompasses innovation, the latest technology, digital experts, and a 22-year standing history with IBM. The company is dedicated to adopting artificial intelligence to harness efficiency and competitiveness across all avenues of business operations. Coliance recognizes the transformative power of AI and leverages it to create a game-changing environment with an enhanced customer experience that cultivates a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement.