Generative AI for Automotive USA 2024

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CIOCoverage is an official Media Partner with Generative AI for Automotive USA 2024 starting from September 9th 2024.

GenAI is reshaping the automotive landscape, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation, and disrupting the way vehicles are designed, manufactured, and experienced.

There are now several ongoing initiatives and talks to break into and develop Generative AI, a lot of continuing bottom-up innovation – and investment in the space is rising as new automotive projects kick-off. Areas where GenAI is making the greatest impact is in realizing time & cost savings, increasing R&D productivity, and fueling innovation, transforming automotive manufacturing, simulation, and vehicle design, optimizing vehicle performance, and personalizing user experiences.

However, while Generative AI has the potential to be a game-changer for the industry by revolutionizing the way automotive companies operate, the technology presents several known and unknown risks, including regulatory, ethical, data privacy, and security concerns that need to be carefully managed.

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Telephone: 44 (0) 207 368 9300
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