The Future of Hospitality: Leverage Technology in the Guest Journey

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In an era where technology seamlessly integrates into every facet of our daily lives, the hospitality industry stands at a juncture. Guests today anticipate more than just a comfortable bed and commendable service. They seek immersive experiences, personalized touches, and the convenience that technology can provide. But how can hoteliers strike the perfect balance between the warmth of traditional hospitality and the innovations of the digital age? This comprehensive guide digs deep into a seven-step guest journey, exploring how current and emerging technologies can redefine each phase. Whether you’re a seasoned hotelier or just venturing into the realm of hospitality, this article will offer insights into harnessing technology to elevate the guest experience, fostering loyalty and driving return visits.

The 7-step guest journey, developed by LoungeUp, provides a framework for understanding the entire lifecycle of a guest’s experience, from initial inspiration to returning for another stay. Let’s categorize existing and new technologies under these steps.

1. Inspiration

At this stage, potential guests are gathering inspiration for their travels. Technologies that create a memorable first impression or provide immersive experiences fit here.

Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR)

VR and AR technologies accurately represent hotel rooms and amenities, giving potential guests a comprehensive 360-degree view and effectively visualizing their stay. These immersive experiences can evoke powerful emotional reactions, creating memorable impressions of the hotel. However, there’s a caveat: these technologies might inadvertently set expectations very high, and any disparity between the virtual representation and the experience can lead to disappointment. On the brighter side, VR/AR offers a unique competitive edge, allowing hotels to stand out. There’s potential for expansion, too, with the possibility of offering virtual events or experiences, such as cooking classes or spa treatments. To maintain their effectiveness, it’s vital to periodically update these virtual representations to ensure alignment with the hotel’s current state. The technology is available today and will develop and be used more in the future.

Social Media

A vast number of travelers turn to social media for travel inspiration. Hotels can reach a broad audience with consistent, high-quality content, especially if it gains viral traction. The visual appeal of content, especially videos and stories, can stir feelings of longing and desire, enticing potential guests to experience the destination or hotel. However, the platform’s double-edged sword means negative comments or reviews can spread quickly, potentially harming the hotel’s reputation. Despite these challenges, an effective social media strategy can boost visibility and bookings significantly. Collaborative efforts with influencers or content creators can infuse fresh content perspectives, enhancing the hotel’s overall image. A dedicated strategy, content calendar, and regular engagement with followers are essential to maximize its effectiveness. All hotels use social media to promote their facilities and experiences.


Functioning around the clock, chatbots offer the convenience of providing instant responses to potential guest queries, streamlining the communication process. They can instill a sense of value and attention in users when well implemented. However, pitfalls await poorly designed chatbots, which can lead to misinformation or unaddressed queries, resulting in guest dissatisfaction. Despite these challenges, when optimized, chatbots can significantly increase bookings by offering immediate answers and simplifying the reservation process. Advanced integration with AI can further enhance chatbots, enabling them to deliver personalized recommendations based on user behavior. To ensure they remain at the pinnacle of efficiency, it’s crucial to continually refine and update chatbots based on user interactions. The technology is available today and has recently improved by using AI.

2. Research

In this critical phase, potential guests are investigating potential destinations and accommodations, sifting through options, prices, and experiences to find a perfect match for their travel aspirations.


Chatbots serve as invaluable allies as potential guests scour the internet for information, providing immediate responses to queries. Their 24/7 availability ensures no question goes unanswered, regardless of time zones or peak hours. However, the effectiveness of a chatbot hinges on its design and programming. A poorly designed chatbot can mislead or frustrate users, detracting from the research experience. Conversely, a well-implemented chatbot can significantly enrich the research phase, guiding users with accurate information and personalized recommendations. The future might see chatbots integrated with advanced AI algorithms, offering predictions or suggestions based on broader travel trends. Continuous refinement, based on user interactions, will be crucial to ensure chatbots remain relevant and helpful. The technology is available today and has recently been improved by letting AI customize itineraries.

Feedback Platforms and Comparison Sites

Platforms like TripAdvisor, comparison sites like Kayak, and booking sites like play pivotal roles in the research phase. They aggregate vast amounts of data, reviews, and feedback, providing travelers with comprehensive insights into potential destinations or accommodations. While these platforms offer a wealth of information, they also pose challenges. Negative feedback, whether justified or not, can significantly sway potential guests. On the positive side, these platforms offer an unparalleled opportunity for hotels to showcase their strengths, highlight positive reviews, and engage with positive and negative feedback. As these platforms evolve, there’s potential for even deeper integrations, offering real-time guest feedback or virtual tours directly within the platform. For hotels, active engagement and regular monitoring of these platforms are crucial, ensuring they present the best possible image to potential guests. This technology is available and has recently been improved by sentiment analysis of guest reviews.

By understanding and optimizing the tools and technologies in the “Research” phase, hotels can significantly influence potential guests’ perceptions and decisions, paving the way for successful bookings and memorable stays.

Read about the five remaining steps at

3. Shop

In this decisive phase, guests have moved from mere interest to concrete action, ready to secure their bookings. The technologies and services provided during this phase can significantly influence the final decision, ensuring a smooth transition from contemplation to confirmation.

4 Prepare

As the travel date approaches, anticipation builds. Guests are finalizing their plans, packing, and looking forward to their stay. The technology and services offered during this phase can greatly enhance guests’ peace of mind, ensuring they are well-equipped and informed for their upcoming journey.

5 In-house Experience

The stay itself is the crux of the guest journey. Every touchpoint during this phase directly influences the guest’s overall impression. With the right mix of technology and human touch, hotels can ensure an unforgettable experience.

6 Share & Review

Once the stay concludes, guests often take to various platforms to share their experiences and reviews. This phase is critical as it not only influences future potential guests but also provides valuable feedback for hotels to refine their services.

7 Remember & Return

This phase is about fostering loyalty and ensuring guests think of the hotel when planning their next trip. The right mix of personalized engagement and technology can turn a one-time guest into a lifetime patron.

Invest now or in the future?

Let’s summarize and review the technologies mentioned in the guest journey and categorize them based on their availability and potential future developments. Here you have a comprehensive list of technologies to consider.

Which investment has the highest return on investment

As a hotel CEO, the goal is to invest in technologies that enhance the guest experience and lead to increased revenue, reduced costs, and improved operational efficiency. Given the information from the entire guest journey, here’s a strategic guide on where to invest.

Final thoughts

It’s essential to remember that technology should enhance the human touch, not replace it. The hospitality industry thrives on personal connections. Use technology to eliminate pain points and automate repetitive tasks, but always prioritize genuine guest interactions.

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